*Link : What is FIP

*Link : What is GS 441524

*Link : SAK GS injection video


*Link : What is OCULAR FIP

*Link : SAK Dosage Calculator

*Link : SAK GS injection video – Treat FIP – with SubQ injections of GS 441524

*Link : Is FIP contagious ?

*Link : Do you need to give extra cortisone during the injection?

*Link : Is NEUROLOGICAL FIP worth starting treatment?

*Link : How to judge whether FIP is completely cured

*Link : If Lymfom can be cured by GS 441524?

*Link : Why the index of Titer is abnormal

*Link : Is it normal problem to loss fur during treatment ?

*Link : Why did the wound occur during the injection

*Link : How to deal with pain and fever during injection

*Link : Lymph nodes often swollen under FIP

*Link : The typical closed abscesses

*Link : Why the temperature of cat is low

*Link : Is it normal vomiting or nausea?

*Link : How to handle the cat’s anxiety during the injection

*Link : Why the cat’s skin become tight during injection

*Link : Can FIP cats get pregnant?

*Link : The cat gets FIP after giving birth

*Link : How to choose the Needles&Syringes

*Link : Why is the PHOS value of the blood result low?

*Link : Why is the Alfa-1 Globuline value of the blood result low?

*Link : Why is the B2 Globuline & Lymfocyten value of the blood result high?

*Link : B12 by FIP indicated anemic doesn’t help

*Link : What is PCR test

*Link : Can we use Cortisone during GS treatment

*Link : Toxoplasmosis looks like neuro FIP

*Link : Starting information on treating FIP

*Link : Higher dose and longer duration of Neurological FIP treatment

*Link : We recommend an Omega3 oil during FIP treatment

*Link : what kind of bitamin b12 should give

*Link : about the scabs around the injection sites

*Link : Jaundice is a typical symptome at beginning

*Link : the combination of both diseases of diabetic and FIP

*Link : When i inject the medicine my cat’s skin gets wet

*Link : What parameters do you need to check

*Link : Cat has Typhus during FIP treatment

*Link : How do you calculate the dosage of B12 for treatment?

*Link : SAK GS 441524 Photos